Colic Remedies

Colic Remedies

Colic is a bit of a mystery for most new parents as it comes so unexpectedly. The term applies to any healthy, well-fed infant who cries more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks in a row.

Colic is likely to start around age 2 weeks if your infant is full-term (or later if premature) and almost always goes away on its own by 3 or 4 months.

Unlike popular belief, your baby’s sex, birth order and whether you breast or bottle feed, doesn’t affect it. Kids who had colic as babies are no different from those who did not have colic.

The exact cause of colic is not known but few precautions can be taken to avoid colic.

Food for breastfeeding mothers
A few foods are considered to worsen colic and can be restricted by mother’s who are breastfeeding. These include –
• Vegetables – garlic, onions, cabbage, turnips, broccoli, and beans.
• Fruits – apricots, prunes, melons, peaches, and other fresh fruits.
• Cow’s milk

Burping your baby
Golden rule of thumb to avoid colic is burping your baby
A new-born or an infant swallows air during feeding and burping helps to remove that air. While breastfed babies tend to swallow less air than bottle-fed babies, your baby will still take in some air while breastfeeding too. When that air gets trapped in your little one’s stomach, it can be uncomfortable, and it can make your baby feel full. But, once your child burps and gets that air out of their belly, they will feel better.

Hing( Asfoeadita)
Take a pinch of hing and mix it with a few drops of warm mustard oil and gently massage it on your baby’s navel. It is said to provide relief instantly.

Myths and facts about gripe water and janam ghutti
While some formulas of gripe water and janam ghutti are generally safe, there are risks associated with them. Despite their popularity for colic and gas pains, studies have shown them to not be effective in easing stomach pain.

For any medications, consult to your pediatrician for colic drops according to weight and age of your baby. As your baby can only digest breast milk or formula milk till 6 months of age, be cautious while giving any preparation to your baby.

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